Being as uninterrupted life, swallowing world, or life-world, is posed as a containing limit against human intransigence, either as a warm, undressed …no, not that. More like, Being acquits our error, the generalized thinking that we will be allotted more anthropomorphic chances, which are the generalizations we must stand within in order for them to…not that, either. No, Being presides over our fixation on grounding subject as the lesser of subjectivity, appearance as less than noumenon, as presence vocalizing meaning in the…no, never mind. The gaze vacuums knowledge, attempts the emplacement of a field or matrix upon the lesser beings by strength of projection at us, the orgiastic self-mess formed in a caved in shell that throbs inward, dramatically upending monadic coherence as subjects resolve to overcome the transversal and become Being. Yes, us: Pharmakon writ large, as drug, cure and poison, poisoning and curing, liberating and inducing symptoms of enchantment. Drugs by nature, a pill in the particular, I’m eyes, but without a subject of sight.
Be delusional. The government is out to get us, to retro-activate a re-origin of the real, out elsewhere, the obscene outward desire to withhold a billion generations before the teleological pull inward, attached or unattached to theology, all things becoming such as quicksand would, a force and pressure made of this, a billion generations, whereupon it consumes the absolute whole.
“Such as a mirrored reflection of the former self as was seen on a puddle of water that was contaminated with one’s own shit, one may now see better without clarity.”
“I’m not on drugs, and that is illogical to ‘be’ on, as to ‘be’ is in. I’m drugs, experiencing myself as a high point in the forward thrust of history, a teleology where progress is immanent, mostly for me.”