Eat it all or Starve

Guided entry. Hole meant for filling.

Organs are arranged and ordered by forces, which are not endogenous to the organ’s seemingly natural operation. Western philosophy has been preoccupied with concepts of subject, mind, and consciousness, as if there is standpoint apart from the ‘outside,’ as if there is an ‘outside.’ Organ activity is prescribed. In the West, particularly in the U.S., there is an excess of food. Food is not evenly or fairly distributed, so there are people suffering from starvation. However, food itself is extremely abundant. There is so much food. People are encouraged to overeat. Hunger of the stomach, the timing of hunger, the level of hunger and what amount of caloric content is needed to achieve satiety, fullness, is not accidental, or an expression of trans-historic, biologic need. In the U.S., the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), invented a food pyramid. The food pyramid depicts types of food people should eat. Breads, cheeses, meats: are these the best, healthiest sources of sustenance? Are the portions based on studies? How did people subside in the past? In the early 20th century, farmers destroyed crops in response to low price levels. Farmers could not make enough money with the prevailing price level. If the supply drives down prices, cut back supply, drive up prices. Capitalism is grotesque in its logic, but arguing against logic is not permitted. Farmers destroyed crops, which drove up prices, and induced shortages. Hence, the U.S. government subsidizes agriculture. The message is, overeat to prevent large scale starvation that would transpire, if farmers had to deliberately destroy crops in order to maintain a living.